Continuing Education for Art Directors Online Graduate Education for Art Directors

  • Partnership
  • Overview
  • Student work
  • What you'll study
  • Experience opportunities
  • Instructors
  • Locations
  • How to apply
  • Important information
  • Your advisor

Meet Our University Partner

This is a dual enrollment program. You'll have the best of both worlds taking courses at Miami Ad School and our university partner, Florida International University. At M.AD you'll create your portfolio and get hands-on experience. At the university you'll develop your critical thinking skills and business acumen. In the end, FIU awards the degree.

Florida International University / M.AD Miami

How does a Master's program boost your career in Art Direction?

This Art Direction Master's degree is like a rocketship for your creative career. This program, offered in conjunction with Florida International University, has been tailored specifically to give up-and-coming creatives the tools they need to lead incredible projects in the real world. The university partner offers the degree.

We all know the awesome power and responsibility of an Art Director when it comes to creative work. The question is, can you learn enough in school to jump straight into that world after graduation? That's what this program does. You will take classes at both institutions. You will be taught by creatives who work for agencies, brands, and studios. They take time off to teach, to give back to the industry they love. Add the master's degree from FIU to get a full understanding of theoretical, strategic, and research elements in the industry. With all the resources of this highly distinguished university added to your resume, you'll be the best catch of al

Ryan KutscherFounder and Chief Creative Officer at Circus Maximus AND a M.AD Art Direction Grad.

"You essentially begin your career the day you start M.AD."

The Art Direction Master's Curriculum

Like learning a new language, the best way to learn your trade is through total immersion. The focus of the program is to drive your career forward by offering you world-class experience in guiding creative campaigns. And it all happens with an innovative curriculum of courses like these:

  • Ideas First
  • Video Storytelling
  • Experiments in Digital Photography
  • Thinking Strategically
  • Everything is Media
  • Publications & Editorial Design
  • Interactive Concepting
  • Portfolio Development
  • Content Creation

Want to know what else you'll be learning? Learn more about the courses you'll take in the course brochure.

Hands On Experience Around The World

After spending at least one year (4 quarters) in your home location, you can apply for NoM.AD. This program gives students the opportunity to work and learn in up to four more cities around the world. Imagine client meetings in Atlanta, a photoshoot in Tokyo, or a breakthrough brainstorming session in New York. You'll be working on the front line…and building your worldwide network of professional friends.

Each quarter, we send students a massive list of active opportunities. It's like a backdoor into the industry. You could work with:

Brig WhiteFreelance Director (Apple, Adidas, Toyota, Amazon)

"Before M.AD, I was without a plan. I graduated with an English degree and was wondering what I was going to do with it. I liked design, but didn't know much about it. But other than that, I had no idea what I wanted to do."

Master Art Direction In Atlanta Or Miami

Each school has a unique charm.

M.AD School represents the best of what America has to offer. The cities we've chosen all boast a special blend of people, places, and energy. Just pick your cocktail of choice.

Schedule A Tour At Any M.AD Campus

The best way to see what we're all about is to experience it for yourself.

How To Apply

The application is as creative as the career.

The application is as creative as the career.

Enter your information and register for your M.AD School of Ideas account.

Choose a city, program, and start date

Select the school you are most interested in right now. Should you change your mind later on, you can easily change your application.

Follow the process laid out in the application portal

Show us who you are as a creative thinker. Share examples of things you've created.. Or do one of our fun creative exercises. Finally, schedule an introductory meeting with your Admissions Advisor.

Review and Submit

Make sure all your information is correct, and that you've paid your application fee. We'll get back to you soon!

Application Deadlines

Next cohort in January 2022:
• International applications due August 1
• Domestic applications due October 1

Important Program Information

Tuition is $7,970 per semester paid to FIU. Tuition is based on the semester system with 5 installments for a total of $39,850 (plus fees) total.

Students enrolled in the program may be eligible for financial aid through graduate level Federal aid programs.

Financial Aid & Scholarships

We work tirelessly to make M.AD affordable for students of all backgrounds. For our American students, federal loans generally cover tuition costs. We also offer a variety of scholarships.

In the past decades, students have come to us from every corner of the world. If you're worried about getting here, never fear: you'll likely be able to attend the campus of your choice. Click for more about the visa process.

Download The Course Brochure

Crucial information about the Art Direction Master's program.

  • Exclusive video content
  • Art Direction career facts
  • Average salaries
  • Information on co-ops and internships
  • Example projects for real brands
  • Detailed application process


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